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911 Revisited - Were explosives used?
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911 Revisited - Were explosives used? September 11th Revisited is perhaps the most riveting film ever made about the destruction of the World Trade Center. This is a powerful documentary which features eyewitness accounts and archived news footage that was shot on September 11, 2001 but never replayed on television. Featuring interviews with eyewitnesses & firefighters, along with expert analysis by BYU Physics Professor Steven E. Jones, Professor David Ray Griffin, MIT Engineer Jeffrey King, and AIA Architect Richard Gage. This film provides stunning evidence that explosives were used in the complete demolition of the WTC Twin Towers and WTC Building 7.


Troy Rejda said...
This is a great website! You have put together valuable information, facts, and quotes in a professional, easily understandable format. I use your site for waking up friends and family. We are all together in this fight against the NWO, and I can't thank you enough for all your hard work. All my best, Troy Rejda.

Terry Black said...
This is a fantastic website, I am browsing through it litttle by little - have watched some of the videos previously, however there are many new ones on here that I have not seen! Kudos to the job you have done! I hope you allow me to send a hyper-link to my friends and use it in my comments to help awaken amd quicken the population? Best Regard, Terry Black

Danny said...
I have visited your site for many years. I knew lots of the issues before visiting it but not all of them. The way you have put it all together in an organized manner is more than mind blowing. Thank you so much for your service. You are a true Patriot.

surfernaut said...
Salute to you American Phoenix57. Thank you so much for your time and effort. I will spread this blog to as many as possible. What a great job at compiling all the truth into one page. I have studied this corruption for many years and your work is the icing on the cake fellow patriot. I want to write a book about all this and sure I will use your blog for direction in my research and to keep my bearings. Only hope I can get it published before all hell breaks loose. Peace to you my brother from another mother! –Chris (USA)

Alcorr said...
I like the It's a long read but no stone is left unturned. Best story line, best art, best quotes and the video library is the best I've ever seen. If this site goes viral the banksters are toast.

FoundingFather1776 said...
Great job! As Morpheus said in the "Matrix" - "Welcome to the REAL world" I have added you as a blogroll link in my blog. My awakening was very similar. Keep spreading the truth, Never give up! ~FoundingFather1776

Rob said...
Good job compiling all the info. All the best! Rob Sydney Australia

Maah! said...
Sir, Thank you very much for your excellent research and compilation. I expecially appreciate hearing about the 3000 pound elephant. I just could not understand why they would want to kill us off since there is so much land unused and there is no overpopulation. With good management it could be heavenly for all. But It is about energy=money. Strange how they are using more and more of it up building their own underground (yuk) tunnel retreats and increasing military developments. i also appreciated the Protest section, not too many offer practical things to do to keep active and positive and help the people from the viewpoint of attacking the root. Mention of Morgellons syndrom would be a positive addition. I appreciate your take on the royal bloodlines which are in bed with and allowing the mad merchants to damage the Earth and its creaures. A few links to ways to inflluence legislators would be appreciated. Thank you again, take care and God bless.

oldjug said...
Right on brother right on! Oh i can all but here the drummer boy now!

Samuel said...
Great Work!!!

Anonymous said...
THX !! Im a Freedome Frighter from EU - Balkan , just try to read the . Thx to all Truth Seekers , SeLLam / Peace !

Anonymous said...
AP57, I have read every word now and will be back to the videos that I have not seen. I had started last summer and was detoured researching a health problem. Thanks again not only for the blog, but for the bromine toxicity and cherry angioma info. In Liberty, Hayduke

G. Harmer said...
Mr. Phoenix 57, What a fabulous job you have done in compiling several years of data in a nutshell. Keep up the good work and keep spreading the word to wake up the sleeping masses to the truth.

Dave Hawkins said...
I'm sure you have your reasons. I think you should publish the NWO blog as a book. Thanks for it. Like you said "(use this guide and save four years!)" It is a wonderful work you have done. Dave Hawkins Florida

Dave Lipson said...
Good job. Keep up the good work. Dave Lipson Exec Producer/Rick Dees Entertainment-Weekly Top40 Exec Producer/Dennis Miller (former) Writer-Producer/ABC-NPR-CBS Exec producer/Dr. James Dobson (Former)

Anonymous said...
Hello, I am writing you to let you know that i put a link to your guide on my site i hope you are ok with that. If you have any objections please let me know and i will remove it. Thanks -E- p.s. keep up the awesome work!

Davie said...
Great website. i believe i was linked to your site via a quote on infowars. only those awake or waking up would be on infowars , this site must be made easier to reach by the masses. make it into an ebook maybe? get it out there free on ebay , amazon etc ,email signatures , facebook. i dont know how but but everyone must have access to this information somehow. i just spent the last hour skimming through it , ill now save offline and download as many movies as possible and try to awaken as many others as possible , this is an amazing website. thanks V-UK

Ray said...
Excellant my friend.God Bless, don't forget the head banker the pope. It,s in the cia fact book

John said...
The Cancer scare is one of their finest. Cancer is very easy to cure. My brother and I survived the "deadly duo". I had colon cancer and he had lung cancer with 1 lung fully involved and the other 5/8ths involved. We wiped it out via nutrition. John

Anonymous said...
dear Mr. Phoenix, thank you so much for the wonderful job you've been doing here!! I've always considered myself like an educated and informed person, BUT I WAS WRONG! I only woke up for these terrible truths recently, about a year ago, when I started looking for some answers. Sadly I'm not very optimistic on how people will react(if they ever),or oppose, or fight; the human History proves us with facts, that whenever people faced fear, only very few stood up and resisted. Once again, congratulations for your Blog.I've been also warning my family and friends about all this. Deus te abençôe=God bless you.

Anonymous said...
I too chose the red pill, curious as to how deep the rabbit hole goes! Now I know! Thank you for lifting the scales from my eyes. I have already instituted a plan of action, i.e., invested in silver coinage, implemented a long term food storage protocol, bought plenty of ammo, and have a well stocked " to go " bag. I am deeply concerned about our direction as a FREE NATION UNDER GOD. Our Constitution is being erased even as we speak and our freedoms are disappearing at a staggering rate. It won't be long now so it is IMPERATIVE that we the people WAKE UP. Thank you so much for your tireless efforts in that regard. I hope I am able to do the same. Awesome site, thank you.

Eric said...
Great site and a big help to get people informed that are not awake yet. Safes me the time to repeat the things I learned over the past 7 years. Just one website to go to and read all about it with the great, all explaining, illustrations from Dees. I have placed a link on my website and also made it the header in my skype for my friends to click on. With this info they can make the right decisions for the future like I did...... Thanks again for all your time and effort. Regards Eric

Paul Faircloth said...
Sir, I have been an unemployed police officer since 2008 due to the economic downturn. I woke up approx. 4 years ago. This site is unbelieveable in the awesome sense. Please continue to work and will support as finances allow. Thank you so much.

ColCobra said...
This is the most complete, accurate information available to anyone looking for an education on the real truth. Share it with as many people as you can to wake up America to what is really going on. It's not too late but the curtains are closing fast, the ship is going down, but there is hope if we all get off our butts and take action.

Joan said...
Beautiful website. Great illustrations. Indisputable facts. I would, however, add one name to the list of those brave souls, such as Alex Wood, Mike Adams and others, who have bravely been on the front line exposing the truth. That would be David Icke. Yes, some of his contentions are controversial and even very difficult to believe. But who knows where the path to truth may eventually lead? Not long ago the contentions on your website would have been scoffed at by many who are now seeing their validity. The truth is becoming manifest. We are awakening! Let us not be fearful of looking deeper.

Anonymous said...
Great site! I think this site might help me wake up some of my friends and family! God bless you!

Emilie said...
I have to thank you so very deeply from the bottom of my heart for putting together the pieces so perfectly to a puzzle much bigger than my much smaller puzzle that completely destroyed my sanity because I wasn't stable enough to deal with it rationally. But I've found this after just the moments of realization to be ready to know everything I possibly can. And I'm going to try and show everyone. Much love from Canada.

MadMike - Nebraska said...
I have spent the last 11yrs of searching for the truth. I have seen just about every movie, read just about every quote, and have learned just about everything that is on your site. It has taken me 11yrs of late nights, lost weekends, endless time spent putting this vast puzzle together. This is the website that I would of built had I had the skill to do so!! I cannot thank you enough for putting something like this together and bringing it to the world for all to see!! I now have ONE resource that I can send people to for the best breakdown of what is REALLY going on!!!

Zak said...
Most comprehensive all encompassing link I have found to describe what we can do to prepare.

protelec66 said...
Americanphoenix57, I went and checked and overviewed your site... It is breathtaking... Amazing job you done there. I will have to pass more time on it... Could take weeks!!!

Reese Archer said...
Big Congratulations! Your site is the best I have come across. From what I have seen and read so far, it looks absolutely promising. It's great! Kind regards, Reese Archer - Toxic Agenda on Facebook

jrobot said...
I just wanted to say my sincere thanks for this guide. I will not bow down to there fear, as a light worker and warrior of the truth, I will do my very best to inform my nearest and dearest and make personal changes in measured and calculated manner.

David said...
I am a 6-time entrepreneur that stumbled on to this a year ago. Everything you wrote in here is exactly what I see. It took about 3000 hours of research to get there. I am writing a book about it. Will probably do more, too. This changed my life as well. You are not alone. Our numbers are growing.

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