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Within the past few decades, the techniques food companies used to grow and process food have changed so much that many of their techniques are causing negative effects on our health and environment. Because of their techniques, many of their food products are becoming less healthy and unsafe to eat. Using pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to help grow food are two of the most dangerous techniques. These techniques are designed for the purpose of profit, not for improving the consumer�s health. Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed is a free short documentary that goes into great details about the dangers of these techniques. It also covers some of the dangerous chemicals and ingredients found in junk food and fast food that can cause sterility, cancer, seizure, brain damage and other chronic diseases. If you are a person who is health conscious and cares about your life, I highly recommend you watch the video below. The host of this video does a great job explaining and exposing secrets about the food industry that they do not want you to know. Many of his information correlates well with my health articles which is why I recommend this video. Some of the information found in this documentary is a little dramatic for the average person so please watch with an open mind. As always, use your feelings to help you discern the information and question it as much as possible. Also, do your own research and come up with your own conclusions. |